What??!!! I hear you say. If I am not the voice who is.???.
The voice is made up of messages from the fear center of your brain that you hear as a voice.
You are the observer of the voice. More than that you are the controller of the voice. Many people have a strong inernal voice, so much so that it may keep them awake at night, or wake them at 3am creating whole dialogues on the events of the day or things that are worrying.
What is going on here is that your subconscious minds sends you messages in relation to different things.
Messages or thoughts driven by who we think we are e.g.
Feelings of low self-esteem often termed "I am not enough" can lead us to be troubled by thoughts on things people have said or done.
Events - something has happened that worries you
Stress and overwhelm - you have so much going on that your head just won't switch off
Well you can, indeed, switch off the voice.
Combined with commitment and practice from you, hypnotherapy can help calm your mind and train your brain not to send you so many thoughts, especially at inconvenient times of the night.
Contact me and you can develop a toolbox to deal with and intrusive internal voice.